Saturday 22 January 2011

Sixth day Shoot

Call Sheet 6#  23/11/10
Director: Natasha Vekaria 
Producer: Ishmael Powlette
Cinematographer: Zarah Matin
Producer: Joshua

As this was the only day we could get all three artists to come together we quickly planned a shoot and recorded all the the urban shots we could within the time.

Time: 2pm

Location: Stanmore/ Belmont streets

We recorded Crucial walking out of a garden door in a footpath and down it. We recorded from different angles and back tracked him so that he could perform the song to the camera whilst walking.

We recorded three shots of the artists walking down the road together with the sun glaring at the camera. This was a pan shot.

We recorded Phantom opening a gate door near the flats in the same area. We did close ups and back tracked him whilst he performed the song to the camera and walked down the street too.

The location was very urban with a range of houses everywhere, detached and semi-detached as well as trees and cars too.

We also recorded two takes of them all at a brick wall performing the whole song, we repeated this with different sections of the song so that we had a range of shots to choose from when editing. This brick was was a great development to the conventions of hip hop.

Overall even though i felt  we didn't capture desired footage, the shoot was very successful as we managed to get lots of footage anyway that had the potentional of making it a good video anyway

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