Saturday 22 January 2011

Digipack: Analysis of CD Covers

Analysis of Hip hop CD covers

Here are a range of UK hip hop/grime artists and their album covers. Although we decided to make our CD a single, I've looked at a range of album cover artwork.

Wiley - Grime wave: His album artwork looks like he is on a brick rooftop with stairs behind him. He's looking straight to the camera and this is a medium long shot. The font on the cover is bubble writing and is colorful too, its similar to graffiti and this is something popular in the hip hop culture. The location is urban and along with the font it is a typical hip hop/ grime representation.

This is Scorcher's Leader of the new school album cover. It looks like it has been created with using many effects. His attire in the picture is a typical hip hop outfit as he has a hoodie on with the hood up. The camera is positioned below him as he looks down on it. Its also a medium close up and the camera together makes him look superior, hence the title of the album 'Leader of the new school. The building behind him look new and expensive almost as if its the city.

This is Bashy's Life album cover. Despite the sophisticated fonts the font of his jumper suggests his hop hop culture as it is graffiti like. You can see he is wearing an earring on his right ear which is also commonly seen in this culture. This is a medium close up, yet he looks down and the location behind him is in a variable focus blur. His body language relates to the title 'Life' as it seems like its as if he's looking at his life.

The following two CD covers are both single CD covers. I analyzed these two in particular because their both typical to our song in its genre and most importantly are songs that feature other artists. The only difference is these two songs in particular are songs with various artists featured however with our song only two artists are featured: 

The  Tinchy Stryder Game over song  features the likes of Tinie Tempah, Professor Green, Devlin, Example, Chipmunk and Giggs on it. These artists are currently very popular and have a wide audience. The cover is done in a game like representation hence the song 'Game over' a half body shot of each artist is on the cover with the main artist Tinchy Stryder in the middle. The font is in a game like font too. A way in which the costumers can notice the genre is through the way the artists are dressed. More than one of them are wearing shades, hoodies, and also a hat. As mentioned before they're attire is typical of the hip hop culture and this is the most obvious way the artist give away the genre of music from the cover. From this cover part of my idea was to have all the artists on the cover or similar to the cover below.

This is a Single CD cover for 'She likes to' By Wiley, featuring Ice-Kid, Wrigley, Ghetts, Scorcher, Wretch 32, J2K, Chipmunk, Bashy and Griminal. As there were so many artists featured on the track I feel that maybe the artist decided to have only himself on the cover. Not many aspects of this cover can be analysed as there isn't much on it apart of a close up of the artist and the title. However, this was also an idea i had; to have only the main artist on the cover.

Overall this CD analysis has made me come to the realization that these album covers give away the genre through aspects of its mis-en-scene. The location, the costume,typography and the artist make this obvious. I have also realized that most of the CD covers relate to the title name for example as shown above, Bashy - Life, Tinchy Stryder - Game Over and Scorcher's Leader of the new school which led me to my a few ideas for my CD pack. I wanted the location, costume and the song title to relate to the cover so that it would be familiar to the audience. 

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