Saturday 22 January 2011

First Shoot for montage

Call Sheet 1# 16/10/10
Director: Natasha Vekaria 
Producer: Ishmael Powlette
Cinematographer: Zarah Matin
Producer: Joshua
Location - Central London: Tower Bridge; Westminister; Lecister Sq; More london; Trafagal Sq, National Theatre Balcony
Transport - Bus / train
Time: Evening
We went into central London again to day to record night shots for out City location montage. The footage we took when we went out searching for the location, was good footage and therefore as a group we decided to use it and then go in to central and record similar shots but at night time to capture day and night london life. I also led my group to record on top of the balcony in The National Theatre at SouthBank, as i had a trip there the day before and saw it was a good view point to capture the central london landscape. This shoot went well as we recorded a lot of footage, however it was a little shakey as we didn't use the tri-pod much and the wheather was very breezy.

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