Saturday 22 January 2011

Final Image Tester (Part II)


I decided to use a legible font for the titles to match the city location other than use the graffiti font. I put a subtle white glow stroke around it, to match the dream effect around the edges. I also put a parental advisory sign to warn the audiences listening. This made my final front cover image:

When creating the text inside the insert booklet, i used the same image but more zoomed in. I created black silhouettes around each artists, swapped the position of Phantom and Crucial around to make them focus on Krysis and left a little glow around each of them to make a spotlight like image. I then placed the lyrics on top in a clear readable font as this is typical in CD Singles:

I went through the same process as the front cover when making the back cover. However, I decided to make the back cover opposite to the front such that instead of the picture of the city, Using the polygon lasso tool, once again i removed the city section and replaced it with the urban environment. I place a layer of the urban landscape, emphasizing the link to the title 'When we make it'. This made it look like the artists' present and future success:  

I then had to add the features of what songs were on the single. As it was a single not many track are put on it and therefore i only had three tracks. The main song, the instrumental version and the bonus music video feature. The font i used for the back was the same font as the one featured on the front however, i put a striking white stroke around it to give it a rough urban, graffiti effect. I added a barcode and the tabs on each side to fit into a CD case, which resulted to my cover below:

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