Saturday 22 January 2011

Second day shoot

Call Sheet 2# 07/11/10
Director: Natasha Vekaria 
Producer: Ishmael Powlette
Cinematographer: Zarah Matin
Producer: Joshua
Time: 3.30pm
Location: Stanmore Music Dep.

Today we recoded Krysis and Crucial in the studio. We positioned a microphone on a stand, alonside headphones which helped us with lip syncing. We closed blinds and left the room dark with a camera light pointed at different angles and took turns with handling the camera.

When recording Krysis, I recording him at three different angles. I positioned the camera in various ways, at the centre, right and left. But also below looking up at him, from eye level and mid way ; Krysis looking down at the camera as if its the microphone.

The hint of light added shadow but focussed brightly on the artist alone.

 When recording Crucial the same procedure applied however as his height was shorter than Krysis we adjusted all the equiptment. 
The other artist Phantom couldn't make it so he was scheduled to record the following day.

The shoot was succesful as we recorded both the artists rapping all their stanza. We had more footage than we needed but felt that was a good advantage because that meant we had a range of shots to choose from. 

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