Saturday 22 January 2011

Third day Shoot

Call Sheet 3# 8/11/10
Director: Natasha Vekaria 
Producer: Ishmael Powlette
Cinematographer: Zarah Matin
Producer: Joshua

Time: 11/12 am
Location: Stanmore Music Dep.

Today, Ishmael and Natasha did a recording shoot for Phantom's studio shots. They conducted the same procedure as Crucial and Krysis himself however, as it was done in the morning, the light was brighter and was still seen through the blinds which meant a hint of light couldn't be used like the others.

The shoot was reported back to me as succesful however the essence of the other artists' shots weren't captured well in Phantom's shots. Likewise he recorded all his stanzas' and this was enough footage for his section.  

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