Saturday 22 January 2011

Final Image Testers

The final image was the one chosen previously.
I wanted to show a relation between the cover and the music video, therefore other then the relation in location within the video and image, I emphisised the title 'When we make it' by showing this in the cover.

Final Image Chosen:

 This was done by editing in Adobe Photoshop. Using the brick wall in the image I cut out sections of the bricks and replaced it with two contrasting locations, the city and the urban landscape. This shows the breakthrough for these artists. I intended these images to be at the front and the back highlighting the future (wealthy city) and the past (standard urban landscape)

Edited Image:

I created a range of layers that involved duplicating the original, i added shadows around each artist and a white glow around them to make a dream effect. Using the polygon lasso tool i cut around a random part of the bricks and replaced it with a city image as a layer below. To make the breaking wall a bit more realistic, i added a drop shadow at the edges and beavered it. I also added another below the city image with cracks. The layers i merged together created the picture above.
After my final image was edited i added the typography. I wanted to have the title in graffiti as it is a common font seen on hip hop albums so i went on I then added the title onto here and put a while glow around it. However, i wasn't too fond of the orange color so i decided to change it to another.
I changed the font color to blue as it matched the colors on the cover already.I gave it a white glow again. The font below of their names was a legible sophisticated writing. However, this was a font that was a download and the font wasn't avaliable on other computers i used therefore i tried to find something similar. I wasn't too fond of the graffiti writing either, i felt that it looked to animated and cartoonish and in comparison to the sophisticated font i felt it didn't suit. This meant i edited some more.

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