Tuesday 16 November 2010

When We Make it Treatment

Together as a group we created a brief treatment in regards to our music video. Stating details within the video. We did this referring to the structure of the lyrics; the verses and chorus.

Treatment – When we make it 

A montage of shots of London- Day and Night 
  • London eye 
  • Westminister 
  • London Bridge; More london
  • Parliament (big ben) 
  • Trafalgar square 
  • Oxford circus 
Cuts to shot of the artistsleaning againsta wall  (Straight cut) 
Cut to narrative 

Verse 1 – Krysis 
Stanza 1 
INT - Shot of window, camera zooms out to reveal bare room with krysis sitting in the middle, crane into a 360° shot around Krysis. 
Krysis starts rapping, pan of him walking toward door and out. 

Stanza 2 
CUT TO EXT - Krysis comes the front door of as house, the camera tracks back as he walks to a car 
Gets into back seat of car. CUT TO – Krysis  comes out of the opposite door. 
Stanza 3 
CUT TO - Krysis steps into studio CUT TO - Krysis writing lyrics 
Then a montage of quick shots of him in the studio rapping, Shots of mixing desk 
Krysis opens studio door 
Stanza 4   
CUT TO - shot of Krysis walking out of a tunnel and panning to a beautiful sight of London 
Straight cut to wall and black and white studio shots. 
.....End of verse... 

Chorus 2 
A montage of wall shots, night and day shots of London 
  • London bridge/Tower hill 
  • Piccadilly circus etc 
Introduces new verse... 

Verse 2 – Crucial  
Stanza 1 
Crucial comes out of a cafe with cappuccino, he starts walking down the road – camera tracks him whilst he’s walking. CUT TO- him rapping against the wall, he opens a door and it leads his to a completely different place and he closes door behind is a hip hop symbol poster pinned up. 
Stanza 2 
CUT TO-The hip hop symbol picture is shown on the screen 
Cut to crucial ripping it in half and throwing it away 
Carries on walking and opens another door leading him out. 
CUT TO- CCTV shots of him walking around the back of houses and shows him cursing at the camera. 
Stanza 3 
CUT TO- Crucial walking into a station, the camera zooms into name of station; graphic match of same station name but on the platform. He presses the open button, walks on to the train and then the doors close. 
Stanza 4  
CUT TO- Crucial walking out of station and camera follows. Camera pans away from him and into beautiful shot of London at night 
...End of verse... 

Chorus 3 
A montage of night and day shots of London – Tower hill, London Bridge 
Rooftop shot, introduces Phantom 

Verse 3 – Phantom   
Stanza 1 
CUT TO- Lift door opening, Phantom walks out rapping toward camera and camera backtracking him. Cut to wall shots of him and a 
Rooftop shot with camera 360° panning. 
Stanza 2 
CUT TO-Phantom is on the street whilst rapping, he opens a door which leds him to studio; studio shots. CUT TO- camera back tracking him whilst he’s walking up and he meets people along the way and greets them. Phantom then Walks up a flight of stairs. 
Stanza 3 
CUT TO- Him walking up stairs into house, and opens door into his room 
Rapping into his mic, fades to his computer and keyboard he then points to the ground, camera pans downwards and shows a quick effect of the camera panning down the layers of the ground. 
Stanza 4 
Cuts to him walking up to a meeting place  
Beautiful night time shot 

Chorus 4 
Shows all 3 meeting, they rap... Night city shot 
Wall shots, split screen of the 3, walking down the road 
End...Fades to sun set at night 
Walking off, 3 split screen 
Fade out

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