Tuesday 9 November 2010

Typical conventions in UK Hip hop videos

Typical conventions in UK Hip hop videos

Videos that are influence by the hip hop style have similar conventions. You normally find that money and wealth is shown off by the artist for e.g. the music video to 'What You Know About That' by American rap artist named T.I. Videos consist of shots of their apparel i.e. a close up of their trainers or 'bling' (chains), even the artist's cars, rims or background dancers. A key ingredient to hip hop videos are girls. In male artist's videos, there are normally girls representing female sexuality. However this can vary, occasionally there are narratives and this is normally a representation of a relationship between a guy and a sophisticated girl. Then again girls are not always typical in a hip hop video, depending on the song you may find a hip hop video consisting of a representation of a big gang or group surrounding the artist and the artists recording in the studio. On the other hand, female artist often have a typical representation of males, catching their eyes and looking handsome.

This video is based on a song called 'She likes to' by Wiley Feat J2K, Wrigley, Ice-Kid, Wretch 32, Ghetts, Bashy, Scorcher, Chipmunk and Griminal. These are all artist known within the UK hip hop and grime scene. This video is a representation of the conventions mentioned above. The artists are surrounded by females dancing and partying alongside them. Alcohol is a symbol within the video and their jewellery (bling) and money is flashed often. If you look at their apparel you will also see the conventions and representations that I've mentioned in the previous blog is emphasised.

This is a video to Ms Dynamite's single 'Ms Dy-na-mi-tee'. This was a popular song for her. In this video she sings alongside an all male band and has two male backing dancers. She is also dressed quite stylish with a casual hip hop style. One of the key hip hop ingredients included in the video also is the DJ turntables; this is highlighted in the background while the artist and dancers are dancing. However, this video was made quite a while back approximately in the year 2000/01 therefore it is backdated. The UK hip hop scene has grown, developed and evolved since. This is a recent video of hers called 'What You talking about?’ This is quite a flashy video with a hip colourful look she has adapted since the previous video. The video consists of new technology i.e. she has many special effects throughout. She has two female background dancers with a male individual appearing in the video. Although this video isn't a typical representation of its genre the colour, clothing, accessories and lyrical content is typical of the UK hip hop genre.

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