Tuesday 16 November 2010

Inspiration and Further Planning

Inspiration & further planning

Our main theme 'Success & opportunity' had led us to brainstorming narratives for each artist.
I thought our theme can be symbolized through doors opening and closing for example:

This video has a range of doors and each one the artist opens leads her to a completely different room. Together as a group we felt that this would be a good idea beacuase the contrast of being a underground artist to becoming succesfull and wealthy could be shown well with this.
Our stimulous came from a car advert that we felt could suit this.

This advert shows the male figure  creating doors with a door handle that lead him to different locations which meant in our video we could show one of the artists at a park but then he opens a gate of door that leads him to the recording studio, I felt this was a really strong performance narrative as we could do this for each artist. Each artist could open various doors leading him to a range of places; from his bedroom, to the park, to the cafe, studio and then the city buildings. The loactions could represent the out break of fame and along side this can represnt the artists' british background through the locations familiar to the audiences i.e. city landscape- tower bridge. It would also develop the convention of the UK Hip hop genre.  We aim to make this video developing to the conventions and forms of UK hip hop but we don't want it to be too typical as we want to bring a unique quality to it.

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