Tuesday 9 November 2010

Hip Hop, Rap and Grime Conventions

 Hip Hop, Rap and Grime Conventions
Hip hop culture as a whole is made up of:         

1. MCing

2. Graffiti


5. DJing

All these elements make up the hip hop culture and its popular all over the world.

Clothing and apparel
Hip hop stylised clothing is very typical of its form. Baggy trousers, bright t-shirts or colourful hoodies are worn however this can vary depending on the individual. Skinny jeans and high top trainers are a new introduction. Accessories are an important thing in hip hop culture, bright, shiny jewellery such as chains, rope chains, rings and pierces known as 'bling' is very popular. Hats are worn a lot, bright colours mostly with bandanas or du rags worn underneath. A very important thing is footwear. Footwear can vary in colour and design but is a big ingredient in hip hop style. Audiences normally prefer designer labels but not always. You would normally find that female clothing can range from either a pair of baggy trousers with a fitted tops or skinny jeans with baggy tops. This also means that females often wear male hoodies and t-shirts. But on the other hand men always wear an assortment.

UK Rap, hip hop and grime's lyrical content usually consists of the artists' individuality, the political situation, life stuggles, street crime undergowing in their area, love or dreams. An improtant originality the UK brings is their british accent. In the early years artist adapted the american accent typical of the hip hop style but originality grew when all artist began show off the british culture.

Although the target audience this genre of music is aimed at is 16+ all ages pretty much enjoy it. Therefore, as our song 'When we make it' is typical of the UK hip hop genre we are aiming at a similar target audience.

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